People like me questions a lot... well, that's how it goes.
As what we all know, in order to learn/ know something you do not know,
you must ask a question. Only idiots
don't ask questions.♥
I just want to share a simple thought of this SKY-DADDY thing.
i stumble upon this video blog in youtube that made me stop and think... :o
Ei, wait a minute is this a joke? These were the words that
comes out of my mouth when i view this vid. here's the link
of the video (
(It was then when i was still searching for answers and truths about myself and the universe.)
here's a lyric of the song from the video sung by XTC.
It is a letter for this SKY-DADDY up their.
Dear GOD
Hope you got the letter,
And I pray you can make it better down here.
I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer,
But all the people that you made in your image,
See them starving on their feet,
cause they don't get enough to eat
From god,
I cant believe in you.
Dear god,
Sorry to disturb you,
But I feel that I should be heard loud and clear.
We all need a big reduction in amount of tears,
And all the people that you made in your image,
See them fighting in the street,
cause they cant make opinions meet,
About god,
I cant believe in you.
Did you make disease, and the diamond blue?
Did you make mankind after we made you?
And the devil too!
Dear god,
Don't know if you noticed,
But your name is on a lot of quotes in this book.
Us crazy humans wrote it, you should take a look,
And all the people that you made in your image,
Still believing that junk is true.
Well I know it ain't and so do you,
Dear god,
I cant believe in,
I don't believe in,
I wont believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners,
No devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
You re always letting us humans down.
The wars you bring, the babes you drown.
Those lost at sea and never found,
And its the same the whole world round.
The hurt I see helps to compound,
That the father, son and holy ghost,
Is just somebodies unholy hoax,
And if you're up there you'll perceive,
That my hearts here upon my sleeve.
If there's one thing I don't believe in...
Its you,
Dear god.
by XTC
well as you can observe in the lyricsit's kind of harsh towards this sky-daddy
but can you blame this kind of people
who don't believe in such super being
that most of the population
on earth believe in?
does that being really exist?
if it does exist how can it defend its self to these accusation
did "it"/"he/she"(I don't care what's "its/his/her" sexuality") really commit these things?
(abandonment, murders, accomplice to
evil doings, rape, genocides)?????????
it doesn't care 'cause it ain't real
these are just human crimes,
and it's because of the god concepts and thoughts
religions, faiths, beliefs and traditions that
clouds the mind of these people who commit such things
they can't think straight
because they are deluded by this sky-daddy thing
it's sad to say, that most people
are deluded... and i can't do a thing to help
them, all i can do is watch them until they realized
they are lost and deluded, that there is no such sky-daddy thing
who watch over us and answers prayer...
all are crap and rubbish...
prayer ( from Bill Kempton (c) 2006)
God (from wikipedia)
youtube video blog
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