Saturday, April 17, 2010

Think out of the GODS!

For many years I had been taught that only Jesus can redeem a man's soul and that he is the key to eternal life. But when I started seeking for the truth about GOD, I found out that it wasn't just Jesus. There are lots of them who can redeem you from the fiery furnace of hell; some can make you prosper, and a lot of them can possibly be the key to eternal life in heaven and do as many things as Jesus/God can. I'll just show you a part of the list:

Norse Gods and Goddesses:
Aesir – Principal race of gods in Norse mythology.
Astrild – Goddess of love.
Eir – Goddess of healing and shamanic healers.
Heimdall – God of light and protection.
Syn – Goddess of watchfulness and truth.
Thor – Thunder-god and the protector of men and gods.
Ull – God of justice.

Roman Gods and Goddesses:
Cupid – Roman God of Love.
Faunus – Roman God of Prophecy.
Mithras – Roman God of Sun and Light.

Celtic Deities:
Vindonnus – A sun god
Lenus – A healing god
Nodens – A god of healing.

Gods of Pantheon:
ZEDEK – God of Light and Protection
SHALIM – Gracious God
RESHEPH – God of Plague and Healing
QADESHTU – Holy One, Goddess of Love
MOLOCH – "King" of child sacrifices
ESHMUN or Baalat Asclepius – God of Healing
EL ELYON (i.e. God most high) and El

Now, as you can see on the list, there are lots of god/s in different beliefs, some religions don't believe in just one god alone, their belief is called polytheism, while some believe in a One and Only True God, and the belief is called monotheism, and Christianity is one of these few monotheistic religion, of which they have the most followers in the world. So, as for me, I have been in Christianity for more than 2 years[I mean, I was born Roman Catholic but never follow their teachings, I was skeptic then... So decided to seek for my self the truth about religion and God, then I became Born Again Christian(protestant)and studied the bible also for two years before I became an Atheist.]
So, I'll mainly focus my attention to Christianity...

Does having the most followers mean they are the true religion and they have the true and only God, who redeems people's soul? Who can give human the everlasting life? What about those religion who have few followers, does it mean they are praising the wrong God? And they will be doomed eternally to hell, because they don't have the same belief as yours? If Christian God is the One and Only True God, and the creator of all, why do other believers of a God don't see your God as their God? If Your God is so perfect, why did he create imperfect things, like us? If Your God is LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING AND JUST, why do we have to suffer a lot of pain in order to be save from eternal fire? Why does Your God kill people? These are just few of my questions before I became a Protestant. Instead of finding answers from the holy bible, I gain nothing but more questions. The more I study the bible, I become more doubtful.... But, I'm not saying, I have found the truth, no, not yet, but I know sooner I'll do... And I'm hoping you too will look things the way I look at it, setting aside the beliefs you have will make you think and see things more clearly...

If you seek for redemption think out of the BOX... If you want freedom, free your mind, be a thinker, not just a follower... There is more to life than religions and beliefs...
It's time to grasp the real freedom and to have redemption...

Delusion Of The Ancient Scriptures [DOTAs]

I am not really into gaming [PC games in particular], but I’ve tried playing Defense Of The Ancient aka DOTA Allstar… and then I realized how this game is similar to religion or the different faiths’ battle for supremacy. I mean no offense to believers who play this kind of game but that’s how I see it, so allow me just write about its similarities with religion…

First, let me state how the game is played: each player has to select a hero from his/her respective clan [the sentinel or the scourge] and train it on basic survival skills against waves of creeps (monsters) that are distributed through each lane. The key objective is to destroy the Frozen Throne/Tree of Life of the opposing town. Killing another player is just a sub-objective in order to slow the enemies from strengthening themselves while leveling yourself up and receiving bounty which can then be used for strengthening your own Hero with better items.

Now I would like to continue to my real intention of writing this article…

As for the objective of the game, I can relate it to the believers of religion [or believers of god/s]: The Frozen Throne/The Tree of Life is the religion/god of each clan for which the heroes are ready to die. Players equip their characters with items to strengthen them so they will not be killed by the enemy. Just like the preachers of religion, they arm themselves with the word of “god” so they can never be shaken by the other religions’ doctrines…

Heroes of DOTA gain gold by killing creeps and opponents and by destroying enemy structures. Religions/preachers of religion make money from people so they can equip themselves and their churches…

The more items the heroes of DOTA acquire, the more difficult they are to kill. In religion, the more people and resources they gather, the more dangerous and cunning they become, making it easier for them to vanquish the weaker faith of people from other religions…

My Journey to Paradise: Why I became an Atheist

As I was seeking for answers and looking for truths regarding life, I was disappointed and dismayed when I learned that some ‘truths’ are only illusions. I learned that each and every one of us has his/her own ‘truths’ which, if anyone dares to argue with, it would be a long and tiring argument for sure.

So let me tell you my story on why I became an atheist. This is my JOURNEY TO PARADISE.

I was born in a Christian family, in an environment among what they call the ‘righteous’ and the ‘chosen ones’. But I am an individual, unique, and I have my own thoughts to follow. I realized that I don’t have to follow my family’s traditions and beliefs.

For 12 years I was in a Catholic environment because my family is a devotee of Catholicism. But by the time I was able to understand this religion and belief thing, I started questioning every little detail on why people follow such traditions like the rituals done during Holy Week, the baptism of babies, the signing of the cross, the feast of the patron saints, etc., which are actually prohibited in the Bible, as far as I know.

But instead of answering my questions they just ignored me, so I started seeking for answers. A friend of mine in high school told me that if I wanted to seek for answers to my questions regarding religion and belief, I must read the Bible. And so I did. But instead of giving me answers it created more questions, until one day a neighbor came and preached about the gospel and the “Word of God” to me. She earnestly answered each and every question I had, and although I was a little skeptical of her answers, I accepted them. And because of my eagerness to really have the answers, I decided to become a born again Christian and to study more about the Word of God.

For two years I studied and adopted the beliefs of this sect I was in. I became “The Bible Man” in my family. Sometimes I argued with my mom with regards to what the Bible says about those who don’t follow what God had commanded. But that was until I realized that I was being a freak of this Jesus and his teachings.

I could no longer accept some of the lessons in science, sociology, and philosophy that I encountered in school because of this “have faith and never doubt” thing that I learned in the Bible. Fortunately, I realized I was being illogical and unreasonable at times. I realized that “truth is never told but realized”. And so I renounced my Christian faith and beliefs to grasp free-thought for me to gain the real knowledge of life and the most logical and reasonable position that man can ever be.

Christianity had been my hindrance to progress and to knowing the reality and every answer to my questions. I may not know everything in life yet but what I know for sure is that there will be answers in the future. For everything here is explainable by science and logic – maybe not yet now but sooner or later we’ll have every answer that we longed to know and waited for so long. I may no longer be alive at that time, but I’m living right now for that future to come.

I no longer believe in any deity or supernatural things now that I have realized that it’s absurd to believe in such things that have no proofs of their existence. I live my life the way I want it, free from falsehood and absurdities.

But It doesn’t mean that I live a life of nothingness just because I don’t believe in a Sky-Daddy and didn’t follow what my family has taught me. I have my own thoughts and views regarding things, so no one can say I am a lifeless being. Every individual is as unique as his/her beliefs and so we can’t just say to anyone that he/she is wrong for what he/she believes, for we don’t know yet what is true.

And so if I say that God does not exist, you can’t say I am wrong just because you have things that “prove” your claim that God exists. No, God’s existence has been the long time argument of theists and atheists and yet no one has ever proven anything of it’s existence or non-existence. So I may be an agnostic as far as my position is concerned because I don’t know anything yet. But if God exists or not, I don’t care. At the least I know what I’m doing and what I’m supposed to do.

I am an Atheist. It has been one heck of a journey for me indeed. I may not have written all of it here, but this is the best thing that happened in my journey. And though my journey is not yet over, I’ll live for it now, to finish what I started, on this Journey to Paradise.

What Would Jesus Do?

What would Jesus do


this troublesome


In Iraq, USA, Israel

and Palestine?

What would Jesus do


calamity comes?

to people who are unfortunate,

it seems to them the sun

won’t shine.

What would Jesus do


physically and mentally challenged men?

to amputees, mongoloids, the deaf, mute and

the blind?

What would Jesus do?

If people will realize,

that it’s foolishness to believe

in a

Jesus divine…

i think here's what Jesus would do to them if he really exist...